

Mostly Printed CNC - A project by V1Engineering

Here is a list of the parts I purchased (from Italy) for the MPCNC build

Part Link Cost (€)
12V 10A power supply Amazon link 11,70
Bigtreetech SKR 1.3 Control board, TMC2208 drivers and TFT24 touch screen Banggood link 48,00
5x Nema 17 Stepper Motor 1.7A 0.59 Nm 48mm Amazon link 48,99
5mm to 8mm flex coupler Amazon link 7,99
10mm GT2 timing belt Amazon link 11,39
T8 lead screw and nut Amazon link 9,99
Pulley 16T GT2 10mm Amazon link 17,41
20T idler GT2 10mm Amazon link 12,58
608-2RS Bearings Amazon link 32,97
Spare cable Amazon link 10,59
Cable sleeve Amazon link 7,99
PLA filament ~ 2kg 40,00
Plywood, pipes, bolts and screws 100,00
TOTAL: 359,60